Join the FAM Course

Understand Your Hormones and Confidently Track Your Cycle

Introducing EMBODIED: The Ultimate Fertility Awareness & Body Literacy Course

Join the list to be notified when registration re-opens this fall!  

More than just an educational course about your cycle—Embodied is the intersection between the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual realities inherent in our cyclical process.

Are you curious about how different forms of birth control work and tired of their unpleasant side effects?


Are you trying to conceive and finding it more challenging than expected?


Are you experiencing hormonal symptoms such as acne, headaches, and mood swings, and want to understand what's really going on in your body?


The Fertility Awareness Method:

There IS a way to know what's going on with our hormones.

The main event of the cycle is not your period, but OVULATION! This pivotal moment is the key to hormone balance and healthy menstrual cycles. Fertility awareness can accurately confirm ovulation and pick up important clues to your hormonal health

Learn how you can do this!

Imagine if...

  • You not only found relief from your symptoms but also felt more energy and clarity.
  • You have a cognitive understanding of your cycle AND also a deep spiritual connection with it.
  • You feel confident tracking your unique cycle and helping your body operate as it was designed to.

*Be ready. A potential side effect of the fertility awareness method is that you might feel more spiritually connected and physically grounded. After all, being fully embodied and connected within IS spiritual.

The good news is

you don't have to do it alone!

Introducing: Embodied 

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Get on the Waitlist


"The course was clear, practical, beautifully presented with a deep respect to women. Embodied provides you with practical tools to understand your body's natural rhythms and connect to it. This course empowers you with awareness and knowledge about your cycles that accompanies you for life. I highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to take charge of their reproductive health."

-M. J.


"Pessy’s course was loaded with information. She has a kind and friendly demeanor and clear teaching style. Her course addressed so many things I observed but didn’t know what to make of. Pessy made the woman’s cycle a relevant, normal, and natural conversation."


My Story

When I first started out there was no one giving me the exact guidance I was looking for. I wanted a quality fertility awareness education aligned with my values as a Torah observant Jewish woman. I set out on a path to create the kind of support that’s so needed in the Jewish community and beyond.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hey, I'm Pessy

I'm a certified fertility awareness educator, life coach, and kallah teacher. I bring together the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects related to this work. I hold this knowledge as a truly holistic embodiment of who we are as women who move through cycles of fertility.

Fertility is a life force. It's not just about the potential for life, but our existing life as well. This wisdom is here to nurture us! It's the deeper work of reclaiming ourselves in this process that truly impacts our hormones and fertility in the most incredible way.

I'm certified through the AFAP (Association of Fertility Awareness Professionals) and I strive to give the best this field has to offer. As a kallah teacher, and Orthodox Jewish woman myself, I understand the nuances of incorporating this practice in an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.

I'm also a mom of 3 who personally practiced the fertility awareness method to both avoid and conceive, applying this knowledge through different life stages, including breastfeeding postpartum and transitioning off the pill. I get it. I've been there. And I'm here to support you.

You can find me on Instagram @reclaimwomanhood or contact me here.