$247.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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The Kallah Package


A 3 month package for brides who want to plan their wedding cycle naturally with fertility awareness.

As a kallah, you stand at the cusp of a brand new life. You should be at your peak, emotionally and hormonally.

It's become the norm to offer kallahs synthetic hormones to manipulate their cycles and thus avoid a Chuppas Niddah.

I believe these options do exist for a reason. But forgive my frustration when this is the mainstream advice given to ALL kallahs. Because so many girls will benefit a whole lot more from actually understanding their cycles and how to avoid a niddah wedding naturally.

Yes you heard right!

The fertility awareness method is a proven way to track ovulation and work with your cycle rather than against it. It also tells if you actually would benefit from hormonal intervention - or if you're so in the clear and don't need anything at all!

Imagine starting your married life and relationship showing up fully as yourself, without any side effects or unnecessary hormonal changes.

Receive personalized guidance from a fertility awareness perspective to avoid a niddah wedding without unnecessary hormones.

Don't wait for the last minute!

Fertility awareness is a skill. The earlier you start, the more time and space you have to set yourself up for success.


Here's what's included in The Kallah Package:

  • Intake process where you share everything your relevant cycle history.
  • 1 60-minute session that includes: 
    • A customized plan based on your history and unique goals and circumstances.
    • Brief overview of the fertility awareness method.
    • Individualized support and guidance to help you chart your cycles clearly and get the information you need from your cycle.
  • 2 30-minute follow up sessions and chart reviews.
  • Chat support included to answer your questions along the way.

Limited slots available.

Payment Details

3 Monthly Payments of $247 (or pay in full $737 here.)

  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or Paypal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.
  • Due to the nature of this offer, no refunds will be given. If you need to reschedule, please do so within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment.
  • Read terms and conditions here.

 What Happens Next?

After you enter your payment details, you'll be redirected to my calendar to book your session.

Looking forward!

Please email [email protected] with any further questions or concerns.