Embodied FAM Course

Cycle Wisdom

Lean in to the wisdom of the cycle and the gifts she has to offer you.

What if I told you the secret to unlock your greatest power and potential was right inside of you? 

The Cycle holds the key to so many of the things we experience in this life.

Especially as women.

Self-Discovery. Balance. Relationships. Inner Peace. Emotional Regulation.
And so much more!

Current Offerings:


I offer one time workshops on various topics around the menstrual cycle. This is the easiest way to tap into the sea of cycle awareness and everything this world has to offer. 

I have some amazing workshops in the works. Click below to get notified as soon as they're available.

Be in the Loop

Sacred Circles

These women's circles are usually held around the New Moon, on the exclusive Jewish women's holiday known as Rosh Chodesh. In this sacred space, we tap into our femininity, our cyclical power and reclaim ourselves in this immersive experience of self care and rejuvenation.

Learn More

1:1 Cycle Coaching

I truly believe all the answers you need are inside of you. Sometimes we can use some guidance, support and deep witnessing and space-holding to help us access the wisdom within.

Book a 1:1 coaching session to unlock your true potential and see what's possible for you. Packages available.

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This wisdom can be received from both 

the Menstrual Cycle & the Moon Cycle!

Hey, I'm Pessy


My life changed when I accidently discovered the immense power inherent in my menstrual cycle. I'd been dealing with PMS for as long as I can remember, but somehow - to this day, I'm not sure what possessed me - one day, I just had enough, and I no longer wanted to feel like a victim to the whims of my hormones.

Long story short, I started looking for answers. There had to be a different way of looking at the cycle. One that was loving and supportive and honored the sacred essence of womanhood. As opposed to the existing narrative of the menstrual cycle as a curse and a burden.

If you're tired of hating your cycle - and by extension, a part of yourself, you're in the right place! I created this space of Reclaim Womanhood to learn about the beauty and sacredness of our cycles and how it can help us step into our fullest power and wholeness. 

Check out my offerings if you're ready to learn more.